Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"To be or not to be"

 My favorite quote from the novel Hamlet is "To be or not to be". This quote is spoken by Hamlet in his last soliloquy as he decides wether it is worth it or not to live or to die. We all go through things in our lives through which were faced with many hard decisions wether big or small. We are faced with decisions from choosing what to wear , to what carreer we pursue. The choices we make impact our lives even in the smallest manner. With every choice made there are consequences wether good or bad ; these consequences often shape the rest of our lives. Hamlet spoke these words in trying to decide wether or not to commit suicide or stay in this pittiful world full of corruption. Hamlet decided to stay alive and avenge his father's death. In my opinion Hamlet made the right decision. Commiting suicide in  this situation would have been very cowardly of Hamlet and deceitful to his father and his honor.